Leave the TP at Home

You can’t be serious

Before outhouses and modern toilets, we had holes in the ground. In fact, toilets are relatively new to modern society. Most of the campers I lead on backpacks cringe at the thought of having to poop in the woods. Some think it’s sick, abnormal or my favorite, “ungodly.” But when I suggest using a method of cleaning that does not include toilet paper, tissue paper, or wipes, I usually get a look of disbelief TP-Freeand sometimes disdain.

Ok, this better be good…

Going without toilet paper may not be for everyone. But consider some of the benefits of not having to carry TP:

  • Toilet paper still weighs something and takes up extra volume.
  • The convenient factor: You use only water and soap, which you already have.
  • You never run out of material.
  • Water and soap is cleaner than TP.
  • There is no paper to biodegrade and no chance of animals digging it up later.

Check out the entire video below and let me know what you think in the comments. Believe me…, once you try it, it’s hard to go back.

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